Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Perfect practice makes perfect.

My husband is the floor mopper in our family. We share most of the chores in our house, but he enjoys getting a dirty floor clean, so I let him always do that task. And bless him, I probably haven't mopped the floor in over a year. However like I said last week was crazy, for both of us. And he kept trying to get to the floor, but just couldn't. Finally on Saturday, I knew the floor needed to be done, but I knew he wouldn't have time to with him getting home from work at 5, and us going on our date as soon as he finished with that. So I decided to step up to the plate and do the floor.

But it wasn't going so fabulous, and I kept saying this is why Eric mops the floor he's just more talented at it than I am. But then I stopped myself and laughed. Seriously? Eric is more talented at mopping a floor? I just hadn't mopped the floor for a long time, and I was out of practice!

Then I thought about transferring that over to other things. How often do we think we're not good at knowing our scriptures, or praying or following the Holy Ghost? Other people are just better at those things. They are just more gifted in those areas. Really? No, they have just practiced them and done them more often.

Our General Relief Society President Julie B. Beck said this in our most recent conference. "Insight found in scripture accumulates over time, so it is important to spend some time in the scriptures every day."

This is how we become scripture masters. This is how we start yearning to read our scriptures. It's in immersing ourselves in them EVERY SINGLE DAY. And another amazing blessing of that is we will have an increase of the Holy Ghost in our life. That spirit that brings, comfort, knowledge, cleansing, guidance, revelation and joy to our life.

In college I would study my scriptures before I started my homework. That was really helpful because my whole life then was about learning and studying. Now as a mom with two small children it gets a little trickier as to planning it out. But I do plan it out, and I make sure I am there every day. And one thing I'm doing now is I'm studying the Sunday School lesson with the institute manual. And if you have internet, you have access to both of those things. This can give you the focus to know where to begin your study, and how to study effectively by asking questions, understanding backgrounds of the chapters and verses, and keep you on track to really allowing the spirit into your study.

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