Friday, April 30, 2010

No Graven Images

This one seemed so easy to me at first. Brooke have you been melting down any metal into shapes of things and bowing down and worshiping them? Nope, I can check that one off my not a problem to do commandment list. Well that is until I read D&C 1:16 where we learn that in a modern world “every man walketh in his own way, and after the image of his own God, whose image is in the likeness of the world, and whose substance is that of an idol."

President Spencer W. Kimball said:

“Modern idols or false gods can take such forms as clothes, homes, businesses, machines, automobiles, pleasure boats, and numerous other material deflectors from the path to godhood. What difference does it make that the item concerned is not shaped like an idol? Brigham Young said: ‘I would as soon see a man worshiping a little god made of brass or of wood as to see him worshiping his property’ [ Journal of Discourses, 6:196].

“Intangible things make just as ready gods. Degrees and letters and titles can become idols. Many young men decide to attend college when they should be on missions first. The degree, and the wealth and the security which come through it, appear so desirable that the mission takes second place. Some neglect Church service through their college years, feeling to give preference to the secular training and ignoring the spiritual covenants they have made.

“Many people build and furnish a home and buy the automobile first—and then find they ‘cannot afford’ to pay tithing. Whom do they worship? Certainly not the Lord of heaven and earth, for we serve whom we love and give first consideration to the object of our affection and desires. Young married couples who postpone parenthood until their degrees are attained might be shocked if their expressed preference were labeled idolatry. Their rationalization gives them degrees at the expense of children. Is it a justifiable exchange? Whom do they love and worship—themselves or God? Other couples, recognizing that life is not intended primarily for comforts, ease, and luxuries, complete their educations while they move forward with full lives, having their children and giving Church and community service.

“Many worship the hunt, the fishing trip, the vacation, the weekend picnics and outings. Others have as their idols the games of sport, baseball, football, the bullfight, or golf. These pursuits more often than not interfere with the worship of the Lord and with giving service to the building up of the kingdom of God. To the participants this emphasis may not seem serious, yet it indicates where their allegiance and loyalty are.

“Still another image men worship is that of power and prestige. Many will trample underfoot the spiritual and often the ethical values in their climb to success. These gods of power, wealth, and influence are most demanding and are quite as real as the golden calves of the children of Israel in the wilderness.” ( Miracle of Forgiveness, pp. 40–42.)

What idols might be getting in your way?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brookie!
    Just thought I'd let you know I'm enjoying your Ten Commandments post. I've been thinking a lot about this idolatry one, too. Dad came back from a convention on Combatting Pornography and one of the speakers likened pornography to an idol--something we stare at, think about, practically worship, allow to dominate our minds and hearts. Interesting, huh? But, then I thought, "Do I sometimes do that with the computer????" Hmmmmm.... Guess I can't check the idolatry one off my list quite yet...
