Sunday, August 29, 2010


I had a thought today while reading through Jonah's story in the Old Testament. (Remember the guy that ran away from God and having to call the people of Ninevah to repentance, and then got swallowed by a big fish for three days, repented, and then taught the people of Ninevah and they repented and were not destroyed, remember that guy?)

Well, while reading through it this time around I saw Jonah's faults and weaknesses particularly in the charity department. He didn't want to preach the gospel to the people of Ninevah because he thought they were a lost cause, aka- he didn't really love the people of Ninevah or trust in God. Even after repenting and going and preaching to the people and seeing them repent and not get destroyed, he still was stubborn and wanted to see them destroyed because he felt they were some pretty wicked people that deserved it. Again, not forgiving (Jonah that means you have the greater sin!), and not really loving the people that he was teaching.

But here was the eye opener for me- God still was able to use this not perfect instrument that Jonah was. The people of Ninevah were still able to repent although Jonah had his faults as their missionary.

That opens up so much for me as I think, well I can't do that, I'm so flawed and have so many weaknesses, I cannot possibly fulfill that calling or assignment.

But it also helps me when maybe others are in callings or positions of authority that I see their faults and weaknesses, that it doesn't matter. God can and WILL still use them. He called them, he will help them, even if they aren't perfect at it, that's not the point.

It wasn't just Ninevah Heavenly Father was hoping to help when he called Jonah to preach to them though, he was also hoping to help Jonah.

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